Saturday 28 December 2013

Lush - Boxing Day Haul!

  I think saying that I went a little bit overboard in the boxing day sales this year would still not be quite an accurate enough description. After years of not really managing to find anything I'm very interested in, somehow I ended up with so many purchases that I keep being surprised when new parcels suddenly turn up. Oh dear.

  The in person shop that I had the most fun in was very definitely Lush though. Lush was one of two shops I was interested in blagging in person (the other being The Body Shop) and I had my eye on quite a few purchases, so bright and early on boxing day morning I headed over to Lush in Covent Garden expecting slight carnage and destruction.

  But...oddly... Covent Garden was almost empty! Lush itself wasn't open yet so I wandered around for a bit, returning about five minutes before it opened and managed to be first in line. A small queue did form behind me, but nowhere near as bad as I'd been anticipating.

  But - honestly, the sale was a bit of a disappointment! It was a good job I was first in as I managed to pick up the only Santa's Grotto gift box - which I had really needed, as the two main things I was after was Rose Jam and some Christmassy bath bombs - of which there were pretty much none unless you bought a box! The Christmas section itself was really small and all in one spot, which was a bit of silly planning as the Lush is so cramped anyway that suddenly having one descend on one spot wasn't the most sensible option. I left with the Santa's Grotto box (containing Secret Santa, Father Christmas, Cinders and Snowman, all bath bombs), the SNAP! box (containing Cinders bath bomb, Mr Punch soap, Shoot for the Stars, Fizzbanger, FUN - Red, and The Christmas Penguin), Rose Jam, The Melting Snowman, Buche de Noel, and two more products that I can no longer find the names of on the website. Don't worry - I already had my Snow Fairy for the year!

  All products were 50% off, which is great. At the moment they are being stored in my room so it smells absolutely delicious, and I've been using Buche de Noel for a couple of days - I will post an update on how it's doing (so far my skin seems to love it!) as I feel there's no point doing a product review if I can't tell you how it actually works - but I suppose there's no point as you can't actually get it in stores anymore! Oh well, you can remember for next year :) I love Lush products as not only do they smell delicious but they are the only brand I can pretty much absolutely guarantee won't react with my skin in some sort of way. Enjoy my haul photos (and I'll do individuals of the products inside SNAP! at some point too!), and I'll show you the other goodies I got over the next couple of days.

Did you hit Lush for the sales - if so, what was your experience and what did you end up with? Any favourite Lush products?

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